Dota Allstars 6.65
6.65 Чейндж лог
Chaos knight critical strike 11% -> 12%
Pitlord firestorm +5 dmg all lvls
Pitlord pit of malice cd 24\21\18\15 -> 15\15\15\15
Pitlord darkrift cd 180\160\140 -> 150\130\110
Lycanthrope shapeshift cd 100\70\40 -> 80\60\40
Lycanthrope howl bonus dmg 11(4)\22(8)\33(12)\44(16) -> 16(8)\24(12)\32(16)\40(20)
Nightstalker darkness cd 180\150\120 -> 150\120\90
Pudge aoe bonus str 400 -> 600
Pudge ms 285 -> 290
Leoric and Chaosknight base int +2
Slardar slithereen crush cd 8 -> 9
Alchemist 25+1.8 str -> 25+2.3
Alchemist 11 agi -> 14
Bristleback quill spray dmg 20\40\60\80 -> 25\45\65\85
Dragon knight dragon tail dmg 25\50\75\100 -> 20\50\90\140
Magnus empower dmg 15%\30%\45%\60% -> 20%\30%\40%\50%
Magnus mighty swing 12%\25%\37%\50% -> 20%\28%\36%\45%
Magnus shockwave dmg 75\150\225\300 -> 85\180\235\310
Huskar str 18+2.4 -> 20+2.5
Barathrum greater bash chanse 17% -> 17%\18%\19%\20% or dmg 25\50\75\100 -> 30\60\90\120
Barathrum nether strike dmg 100\200\300 -> 150\225\300
Centaur hoof stomp cd 15 -> 13
Pandaren+aganim delete bonus cd
Tiny grow! as -20%\-35%\-50% -> -15%\-25%\-40%
Tauren str 24+2.3 -> 24+2.6
Treant eyes in the forest cd 300\225\150\75 -> 150\120\90\60
Antimage str 20+1.2 -> 20+1.7
Antimage blink -> blink (mortred)
Antimage break 16\32\48\64 -> 30\40\50\60
Antimage spellshield 10%\20%\30%\40% -> 12%\20%\28%\36%
Antimage mana void cd 120\100\80 -> 100\90\80
Sniper shrapnel manacost 120 -> 110\120\130\140
Juggernaut blade fury cd 30 -> 30\28\26\24
Juggernaut blade dance 10%\18%\26%\36% -> 10%\17%\24%\31%
Juggernaut healing ward manacost 140 -> 110\120\130\140
Luna blessing 6%\13%\20%\27% -> 9%\16%\23%\30%
Naga siren agi 21 -> 24
Phantom lancer juxtapose 3%\6%\9%\12% -> 5%\8%\11%\14%
Rikimary, chaos knight, mortred blink strike cd 30\20\10\5 -> 20\15\10\5
Troll warlord base agi 21 -> 23
Gondar shuriken toss manacost 90\115\135\155 -> 70\90\110\130
Gondar wind walk cd 15 -> 15\14\13\12
Drow ranger trueshot aura 7%\14%\21%\28% -> 10%\15%\20%\25%
Drow ranger agi 22+1.9 -> 22+2.4
Faceless void str 23+1.4 -> 22+1.6
Geomancer base dmg +5
Medusa split shot 45%\55%\65%\75% -> 50%\60%\70%\80%
Medusa base str 14 -> 16
Vengeful terror manacost 40 -> 50\55\60\65
Vengeful command aura 12%\20%\28%\36% -> 15\20%\25%\30%
Bone fletcher base dmg +5
Nerubian assassin mana burn cd 35\25\15\5 -> 32\24\16\8
Nerubian weawer base agi 14 -> 18
Phantom assassin stifling dagger dmg 40\80\120\160 -> 60\90\120\150
Phantom assassin coup de grace 2x\3x\4x -> 2.4x\3.2x\4.0x
Terrorblade soulsteal 20\40\60\80 -> 25\50\75\100
Spectre desolate 15\25\35\45 -> 16\24\32\40
Venomancer base int 15 -> 18
Enchantress str 16+1.0 -> 14+1.3
Kotl chakra cd 19\18\17\16 -> 16\16\16\16
Kotl mana leak cd 20\20\20\20 -> 20\18\16\14
Prophet force of nature add bash ability (5%, 1 sec, 50 gmg)
Windrunner focus fire manacost 200\300\400 -> 100\175\250
Batrider str 23+2.0 -> 23+2.4
Ogre magi int 17+1.9 -> 19+2.2
Leshrac Split earth aoe 225 all lvls
THD ice path cd 16 -> 12
THD liquid fire cd 20\15\10\5 -> 16\12\8\4
Witch doctor death ward cd 90 -> 50
Lich dark ritual cd 55\50\45\40 -> 40\40\40\40
Pugna nether blast +100 range
Obsidian destroyer sanity's eclipse cd 160 -> 140\130\120
Ultimate orb 2100 -> 2000
Ring of protection armor 2 -> 3
Quelling blade 32% melee 12% range -> 30% melee 15% range
Stout shield block 10 dmg for range -> 12
Poors shield block 10 dmg for range -> 12
Moonkey king bar as 15% -> 20%
Cranium basher chanse 25%\10% -> 30%\15%
Manta style recipe price 500 -> 1000
Armlet recipe price900 -> 700
Lotar edge recipe price 1100 -> 1000
Sange and Yasha str agi 16 -> 18
Mjolnir dmg 24 -> 30
MOMlifesteal 17% -> 20%
Blade mail dmg\int 22\10 -> 20\8
Hood of defiance 8 reg 30% res -> 7 reg 25% res 5 armor
Guinsoo hex 3.5 sec -> 3.0
Force stuff range 500 -> 600
Refresher orb recipe price 1875 -> 1400
Mekansm aoe reg 3 -> 4
Mekansm aoe armor 2 -> 3
Headress aoe reg 2 -> 3
Arcane ring armor 3 -> 5
Pipe 30% res 10 reg -> 30 res 8 reg 3 aoe reg (headress)
Piperecipe price 1000 -> 1200
Power treads str agi int 10\10\10 -> 10\12\14
Hand of midas recipe price 1400 -> 1300
Hand of midas as 30% -> 35%
Magic stickand wand mana 15 -> 12
Mask of death lifesteal 10% -> 12%
Eaglehorh 3300 -> 3100
Talisman of evasion 1800 -> 1600
Butterfly 30 30 30 30 -> 28 28 28 28